cara save game ps2 di memory card slot 1


Memory Card Slot 2 can be used to save games. I recently bought a copy of The Fast and the Furious and when I just started to play it I was asked whether I want to create a save file for Slot1 or Slot2. I guess there are not many games around that can do this...

Halow slur.. gua mau ngasih nih caranya ngesave game tanpa memoricard langsung cek videonya slur..jgn lupa follow Instagram:

CARA MENGHAPUS DATA SAVE GAME MEMORY CARD DI PS2, PCSX2 & PS2 HARDDISK | [HOST] 1. Masukkan Memory Card ke slot Memory Card di mesin PS2 dalam keadaan tidak ada kasetnya / DVD. Kemudian nyalakan. 2. Setelah muncul logo PS2 nantinya akan.

Using savestates. Savestates can be made at nearly any point in a game even where saving is traditionally unavailable, like during cutscenes, in the middle of a battle in progress, etc. The player does not need to find a game save point or wait for a lull in the action - a single hotkey press is all it takes to trigger the creation of a savestate.

langkah - langkah : 1. Estrack dan buka PS2 Save Builder. 2. Open Save-an PS2 agan. 3. Blok semua lalu klik kana dan pilih "extract" 4. Simpan semua file ke dalam folder dgn nama yg sama dgn file yg terlihat diurutan pertama pada kiri layar, contoh : BASLUS-21873. (nama file bisa apa saja tergantung Gamenya). 5.

Gaming. Setup a Memory Card for the PCSX2 Emulator for PlayStation 2. Edited by Sam, Eng, VisiHow, DeleteQnA and 1 other. 4 Parts: Set Up PCSX2 Memory Cards. Additional Tips. Questions and Answers. Comments. In the PCSX2 PlayStation 2 emulator, saving your game is very important.

Masukkan Memory Card ke slot Memory Card di mesin PS2 dalam keadaan tidak ada kasetnya / DVD. Kemudian nyalakan. 2. Setelah muncul logo PS2 nantinya akan muncul menu Browser & System Configuration. Pilih Browser dengan menekan tombol X di stik. 3. Pilih Lokasi memory card yang ingin kamu hapus datanya (memory card slot 1 atau 2) lalu tekan X lagi.

Procedure. 1.-To create our backup of saved games we insert our PS2 memory card into our console in my case in slot 1. 2.- Once connected, launch "UlaunchElf" and go to the "mc0" section, which in my case corresponds to slot 1 where I have inserted the PS2 memory card.

13K views 6 years ago. Download file ulaunch elf di sini : download dan extract filenya lalu burn ke CD-R atau Dvv-R ...more. ...more. Make A Free McBoot...

1. Buka emulator PCSX2. Lalu masuk ke Config setelah itu buka memory cards. 2. Lalu tekan Create untuk membuat MC PS2 nya. 3. Setelah itu klik Create pilih dan 8MB agar kompatibel sama DamonPS2 setelah itu klik Create. 4. Lalu Insert atau masukkan memory yang di buat tersebut ke port 1 atau 2 setelah itu klik OK. 5.

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